For many, Thanksgiving is their favorite holiday as it is filled with family, friends and of course, lots of food. I don't have a favorite Holiday as I find each one to be unique , each with their pros and cons. (For the record, New Year's Eve is my least favorite for a host of reasons, but that is a story for another time). For over twenty years I worked Thanksgiving eve into Thanksgiving morning installing the Holiday trim at Nordstrom as they believe in celebrating one holiday at a time. That belief has been ingrained in me, even now, years after my last Holiday install. I cringe at the sight of Santa prior to Thanksgiving and feel nauseous hearing Christmas music before Halloween. That is not to say that I don't start my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving, I purchase gifts throughout the year, stashing them away as I don't believe you can find the most thoughtful gifts in a few short weeks. I will admit one downside to this practice is remembering where I hid things. I have been known to give someone a present in February after unearthing their gift while searching for something else.
Our family is spending this Thanksgiving on the Cape enjoying the calmness that seems to flow over us when we are there. We will sit by the fire and watch the Thanksgiving Day parade and several movies, including "It's a Wonderful Life". We will play board games and contemplate changing out of our pajamas just up until it is time for bed. I will make homemade cranberry sauce from the cranberries we purchased from the original cranberry bog in Dennis on the Cape last week and Ellie will bake a pie. The dogs will also partake in Turkey and mashed potatoes. These are our "traditions".
This year I am thankful for many things but most of all that our children, Thatcher and Ellie, are doing well on their individual paths. My husband Andrew is enjoying his recent career change and I have been fortunate to be able spend time with the kids before they leave the nest. Our extended family is busy, healthy and living the life they chose filled with kids, dogs, sports and careers they love. I've reconnected with wonderful friends that enrich my life and it as though no time ever lapsed. These people make me laugh and feel like family to our family. Our Goldens, Tiller and Albie (Bert) are happy and healthy and Thatcher Ellery has become a reality, not just an idea. I am thankful that our paths have crossed and I hope they will over and over, weaving the fabric of friendship.
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving however and wherever you choose to celebrate it.